Alternative Medicine / Acupuncture in Ft Laud
The Blufyre Approach to Healing.
When you're in pain - emotionally or physically - you want to feel better as soon as possible. Maybe you have back pain or suffer from headaches. Maybe you have a cold or the flu or allergies. Maybe you've been depressed lately, or under a lot of stress and anxiety. Maybe you have a hard time with addiction. Maybe life is getting to be a bit much and you feel overwhelmed and exhausted.
You might want to get healthier and eat better but you can’t figure it out alone. You know relaxing will help but you can seem to do it. Maybe you feel frustrated, stressed or angry and you don’t know why.
At times like these you want to feel better. You want to figure out what’s going on so you can get well and back to living your life. That’s the time to come to Blufyre. Offering Somatic Release, Integrative / Eastern Medicine & Acupuncture in Fort Lauderdale, FL .
Pain Management
A natural and holistic approach to alleviating pain and suffering. The healing power of acupuncture for pain is known all over the world. Acupuncture's ability to calm stress and anxiety is legendary. Somatic release of blocked energy with acupuncture can reduce pain, alleviate emotional distress and improve sleep.
Stress, Anxiety and Depression.
Getting comfortable in your own skin, finding peace and functioning again. Blocked Qi (vital energy, prana, Ka) causes pain and emotional distress. Somatic Release. The combination of acupuncture and Customized Herbal prescriptions can assist in calming stress and anxiety. Under the direction of a qualified herbalist, Herbal Medicine is safe and has no known detrimental side effects.
Lifestyle-Spiritual (Tao/Zen) Counseling
Finding your way out of the woods and back on your chosen path. Sometimes we need someone to guide us in remembering what we already know. This is the Way.
Kindle your FLAME with SPARKS of LIFE©
If you're in physical PAIN, experiencing STRESS, ANXIETY or DEPRESSION - Alternative Medicine can help. Somatic Release. Integrative Medicine & Acupuncture in Fort Lauderdale, FL
Blufyre Wellness, the Alchemy of Healing ©
Alternative Medicine / Holistic Medicine/ Somatic Release / Acupuncture in Ft Lauderdale, FL
How It Works
Initial Consultation
During your initial session we will go over your medical history. This is where we talk about your goals and objectives, and put together a treatment plan to get you where you want to go.
The Plan
If things are simple, a medical evaluation and acupuncture on your first visit. Treatments are relaxing and simple in a clean and comfortable environment.
If things are more complicated, a detailed medical history, blood tests if needed, with complete confidentiality. Referrals to a western medical doctor as necessary. The goal is to help get you well as soon as possible.
Therapy Sessions
Follow up sessions include acupuncture therapy, somatic release, breath work, nutritional and lifestyle counseling, biomedical assessment, physical therapy, nutritional supplements, and customized herbal prescriptions, as needed.
What patients are saying
"I was in a lot of pain from a degenerative disk. I had been to doctors, surgeons, pain management and nothing was working. As an active business owner and scratch golfer this problem was interfering with my work and my fun. Drugs were not the answer. I have never met a more knowledgeable person (MD’s included) who understands the body and what it needs to work properly. I am not sure how acupuncture works but Dr. V does and that is what counts. Not to mention that she is personable and cares. I consider her an intricate part of my health and consider her a friend.
Bill O'Keefe
"Dr V is an excellent practitioner. I've been going to her for over a year and she has been able to help me with a myriad of ailments. She is thorough, intuitive and accurate. She sets up a safe and comfortable environment and makes it easy to relax and allow the treatments to work their magic. I'm grateful to have found her and would recommend her to anyone. Big thumbs up!"
Seth Greenleaf
"My doctor told me I had a frozen shoulder and gave me a cortizone shot. It did not phase me. Next he did manipulative surgery and with that I had to go to physical therapy two days a week. The therapist told me that it was not doing any good, no progress. I decided to do acupuncture with Dr. V and after three times I could actually put my arm over my head and even fasten my bra normally. I would tell anyone to try acupuncture first before anything else. I will be going back for any other problems that might occur before I go to the doctor and he gives me harsh medicines or some type of surgery. Thanks Valerie for your great acupuncture."
Marla Hurd
Let's talk about it.
Great ideas start with good conversation. Let’s chat about how to help you reach your goals.